Tag Archives: Me

[DBSK.com.br] Stand by U [Kouhaku Utagassen 2009 – 31.12.2009].AVI

why did i falling in love with you??



it is my story why i love kpop,korea,their dramas,etc and about TVXQ>>


Sebelum kenal TVXQ..

dulu aku suka banget sama yang namanya RAIN ><

addict padahal masih Sd kelas 3.. gara-gara mama yang suka liat k-drama dan gara-gara drama full house juga.

terus berlanjut waktu kelas 5 sd aku suka juga sama BoA *dan sampai sekarang…

waktu itu lupa kapan…….

Aku pernh denger nama TVXQ juga..

cuman ga tertarik karena menurut ku RAIN lebih keren…

habis itu suatu hari..

si oppa ku bawa pulang poster di kasih tmen nya..

di poster itu ada SJ nya…

dan waktu pertama liat ini kesan ku >> ” what?? apa an ni?? kok band banyak banget orang nya?? emang ga ribet ?? emang panggung nya cukup??!!” dan lalu apa yg kulakukan ??

ya kusuruh balikin dah tu poster *nyesel habis dah

alhasil same sekarang nyesel.. ><

trus dlu aku pernah ngeliat foto jaejoong oppa lupa dimana tapi masih inget itu rambut warna nya blonde xpp

dan yang tergiang di kepala ku adalah ” ini anime ya??”

ckckck betulan anak kecilkan??


waktu masuk SMP aku ga ada persaan sama korea blasss~~

sampe suatu hari waktu baru naik kelas dua smp..

sahabat ku yang namanya anastasia sonia alias xoxo ngeliahtin gambar kyuhyun alias evil magnae from super junior..

aku langsung wah…~~

ada pangeran dari dalam dunia komik ><

kalo boleh jujur waktu kelas 6 sd smpe kelas 1 smp aku ini manga maniac sampe kadang ga bisa bedain dunia nyata dan dunia komik *selalu nyama-nyamain..

dan aku selalu bilang coba semua cowok tu cakep kayak tokoh manga..

dan that’s it ketemu juga… seorang CHO KYU HYUN

yang mebuat ku jatuh cinta lagi sama KOREA and all about KOREA..

dari situ mulai kecintaan ku smaa korea dan lagi-lagi ketemu smama yang namanya TVXQ


aku masih belum jadi cassie waktu itu…

kalo boleh jujur aku ini cassie baru..

bahkan aku baru jadi elf satu thun tapi tiba-tiba jatuh cinta sama TVXQ

kejadian nya begini..

waktu mau naik-naikan ke kelas 3 aku pindah ke luar pulau..

karena kesepian sering deh searching di internet…

nah adik sepupu ku yang suka korea juga ..

dia memperkenalkan TVXQ ke aku..

dan ougghht~~

still cant… tidak mempan..


sampai akhirnya..

waktu itu aku terjerumus dalam omongan ku sendiri ” aku ga baakal suka sama yang namanya TVXQ..”

gara-gara liat video Mirotic + gara-gara masalah mereka smaa SM yang buat aku search lebih banyak tentang TVXQ

sampai akhirnya jatuh cinta..

terperosok ke dalam jurang cinta *jiah bahasanya..

yang membuat aku ga bisa lepas dari mereka…

alasan kenapa aku suka TVXQ adalah :

– their songs

– their lyrics

– their faces

– their bodies

– their hotness

– their cuteness

– their styles

– their dorkiness

– their vocals

– their dances

– their MVs

– their outffits

– their smiles

– their laughts

– everything about them.. i like it…


dan TVXQ juga yang membuat aku mau berusaha untuk mencapai sesuatu itu harus butuh perjuang an yang besar…

seperti apa yang mereka lakukan..

tapi walaupun begitu aku ga akan melupakan Rain,ataupun Kyuhyun..

mereka udah ngenalin aku ke dunia Kpop..

kyu adalah member SJ fave aku..

dan rain dia itu panutan *tapi oppa ( kayaknya appa deh xDD) kenpa mangkir mulu ama wamil ><


dan sekarang aku ini CASSIOPEIA..

dan bangga menjadi CASSIOPEIA…

salam Kpop..

salam Cassie..



sharing my heart…

i miss yoochun’s rappin in Homin song
i miss Yunho’s rappin in JYJ song
i miss Changmin’s screaming in JYJ song
i miss jaejoong’s voices in Homin song
i miss junsu’s “O” screaming in Homin song

i miss all of them..
they are not split into two grups..
JYJ and Homin is just a sub group for me..

they always be TVfXQ 5 in my heart..
they have a place and stage that never be die..
its our heart cassiopeia..

Dont stop to hoping and dreaming and praying for them..
Dont be tired to always wishing and keep our promise
to always protect them..
to always beside them..
to always be them forever..
forever 5 ..
forever life..

just shout out..


*for sure i always thinking that i am a stupid girl..

just hoping?? then what?? die?? khh..

but they make me want to try hoping  and believe someone..

TVXQ is change my life….

so i always wishing the 5voices will come back soon..

As Soon As Possible…

its not the end..

its the beggining..



Im sorry because im a cassiopeia ><

mari galau menggalau ala Cassiopeia yuks…
aq dapet kata2 bagus dari tumblr seseorang tp pk bhs inggris…
suka banget deh sm kata2nya kadang orangtua ga mensyukuri kebiasaan anaknya n menuntut lebih dan bikin frustasi…

Sorry that I ask for band merch once in a while instead of $500 dollar dresses.
(Maaf ma…aq suka banget sm DB5K soalnya)

Sorry that I want to go to concerts maybe once every two months instead of partying every weekend.
(Abis suara DB5K keren banget klo live, mama sm papa harus ikut juga)

Sorry that I spend my money on skinny jeans instead of drugs like so many other teens.
(Aq maunya ikutin style DB5K keren loh ma…daripada ngobat ya kan?)

Sorry that I spend a lot of time in my room on my laptop instead of getting drunk and hooking up with randoms.
(Kabar berita terbaru DB5K harus dipantengin siapa tahu bisa jadi calon menantu mama tuh)

Sorry that I sometimes ask to go to a friends house instead of just getting up and leaving without warning.
(DB5K aja sopan kok sama siapapun masa aq fans setianya ga bisa kyk mereka?)

Sorry that I cover my bedroom walls with posters of bands instead of shirtless guys.
(Hehehe, ganteng ga ma? keren kan? Hayoo mama nyolong satu poster aq kan?)

Sorry that I wear skinny jeans and hoodies out instead of short shorts and a tshirt that could practically be a bra.
(…pakai pakaian yang gini kan bagus ma…kok malah dibilang aneh sih?)

Sorry that I blast music instead of trying to sneak into clubs.
(Soalnya ga ada DB5K di club manapun…klo live concert baru deh capcus)

Sorry that I’m not what everybody expects teens to be like these days.
(Jadi mama maunya aq jadi pecandu, binal, pemabuk yang ga tahu sopan santun? aneeeeeh…)

This is my life as Cassiopeia and my whole world is DB5K
Always keep the faith


credits :

english >>kenny-hamilton: (tumblr)

Indonesia >> Antoinnette




omg ><

something wrong here…


when i was measure for my scholl uniforms..

the tailor said that we will wear a long long skirt ><

that made me shock ><

then i dont know why??

for sure …

im not a type that like to wearing a skirt..xpp

i like jeans etc..

i think i need a freedom..

huhp …

good bye junior high school..

Holla senior high school ^__^

*wait me changmin a~~

i’ll be there..just wait me xpp

Help please >< vote for Cassie

please click and vote for TVXQ-Cassiopeia

need it :33
kamsahamnida ^_________^

My love story

i just translated this song…

this song is made by our beloved musician Mr.Chrisye..


My Love story

in this lonely night

I am alone no one here with me

and now im realize

that he’s Gone (i changed it)

leave me alone..

will it happen again

my love story..

like before..

just you are the one i love

and the one i knew

in my deep of heart

your self will never dissapears…

why it happen

to me

i cant believe

that you are was gone..

should i leave

this world

so i can meet again

with you..

Im sorry for my bad english ><


just trying my best to translate it..



How can i??

remove this feeling from my heart

My heart,Mind and soul..

always remember you

I don’t know why did i fallen in love with you??

everytime when i look picture of you..

my heart like “O”…

my heart will be empty without you

i’ll always stand by you…

because you’re my only love..

that i never let go..

You’re My unforgettable love..

Please stay with me tonight..

you’re my rising sun..

please show me your love..

because i’m lovin you…

with all my heart..

I promise that my love is timeless

My forever Love

*this song was made by my self

and a combinatition from TVXQ title songs


wait for the comeback

~My hobbies~

i Love Blogging ^^

Sure..blogging make me feel brand new…^^ (?) and feel so free…

because i can make my own world…

Photography and editing ^W^

and then…

Listening music…dance,drawing,singing,eating,and ofcourse

Looking at Jeje Picts everyday…

well,hehe..this is me..

and for real..

yeah i like a maniac >W<

you know why??


#uknowwhatimean ?Mirotic
