Category Archives: Fan Art

Im sorry because im a cassiopeia ><

mari galau menggalau ala Cassiopeia yuks…
aq dapet kata2 bagus dari tumblr seseorang tp pk bhs inggris…
suka banget deh sm kata2nya kadang orangtua ga mensyukuri kebiasaan anaknya n menuntut lebih dan bikin frustasi…

Sorry that I ask for band merch once in a while instead of $500 dollar dresses.
(Maaf ma…aq suka banget sm DB5K soalnya)

Sorry that I want to go to concerts maybe once every two months instead of partying every weekend.
(Abis suara DB5K keren banget klo live, mama sm papa harus ikut juga)

Sorry that I spend my money on skinny jeans instead of drugs like so many other teens.
(Aq maunya ikutin style DB5K keren loh ma…daripada ngobat ya kan?)

Sorry that I spend a lot of time in my room on my laptop instead of getting drunk and hooking up with randoms.
(Kabar berita terbaru DB5K harus dipantengin siapa tahu bisa jadi calon menantu mama tuh)

Sorry that I sometimes ask to go to a friends house instead of just getting up and leaving without warning.
(DB5K aja sopan kok sama siapapun masa aq fans setianya ga bisa kyk mereka?)

Sorry that I cover my bedroom walls with posters of bands instead of shirtless guys.
(Hehehe, ganteng ga ma? keren kan? Hayoo mama nyolong satu poster aq kan?)

Sorry that I wear skinny jeans and hoodies out instead of short shorts and a tshirt that could practically be a bra.
(…pakai pakaian yang gini kan bagus ma…kok malah dibilang aneh sih?)

Sorry that I blast music instead of trying to sneak into clubs.
(Soalnya ga ada DB5K di club manapun…klo live concert baru deh capcus)

Sorry that I’m not what everybody expects teens to be like these days.
(Jadi mama maunya aq jadi pecandu, binal, pemabuk yang ga tahu sopan santun? aneeeeeh…)

This is my life as Cassiopeia and my whole world is DB5K
Always keep the faith


credits :

english >>kenny-hamilton: (tumblr)

Indonesia >> Antoinnette





How can i??

remove this feeling from my heart

My heart,Mind and soul..

always remember you

I don’t know why did i fallen in love with you??

everytime when i look picture of you..

my heart like “O”…

my heart will be empty without you

i’ll always stand by you…

because you’re my only love..

that i never let go..

You’re My unforgettable love..

Please stay with me tonight..

you’re my rising sun..

please show me your love..

because i’m lovin you…

with all my heart..

I promise that my love is timeless

My forever Love

*this song was made by my self

and a combinatition from TVXQ title songs


wait for the comeback